Lake Geauga Activities

These are some of the activities we perform in support of vocations.

  • Clergy Appreciation Day
  • Clergy Appreciation Day at Lost Nation

A day of recreation, food, and camaraderie. Priests, deacons and seminarians are invited to play golf, to fish, or just to schmooz on a warm summer day.

  • Seminarians’ Night Out

We partnered with the Painesville Knights of Columbus in hosting this evening of fun and food. It gives the seminarians a chance to be together as a group and to relax with games, dvd’s, and food and drink.

  • Servers Awards

Our club honors servers who are chosen by their pastors as meriting special honor for the server’s performance during the preceding year.

  • Sisters Appreciation Day

Each year we find activities that honor the Sisters in our area.

One activity is “Pro Orantibus Week.” We have thanked the cloistered nuns in the diocese by sending personal “Thank-You” cards to each of the fifty nuns.

At another event We sponsored the “Sweet Adelines” to sing for the Sisters of Notre Dame at an afternoon social where we also offered a special buffet of sweets and fruits.
Sweet Adelines

In the District

In addition to our club-specific events we also join the other clubs in the districts in events like these:

    • Bishop’s Brunch

The Bishop hosts a brunch each year in behalf of the seminarians. Over 500 attendees enjoy a great springtime meal. Choir music is provided by seminarians. Many priests and nuns attend, along with groups such as Serra club. About 40 from our club attend annually.

    • >Bishop’s Rechartering Event

The Serra clubs are blessed each year by the bishop and asked to continue the good work for which they have been chartered. The day consists of Mass, dinner, and a program of blessings and awards.

    • Jubilarians’ Celebration

    The diocese honors significant anniversaries for the religious communities. Sisters, brothers, and priests attend Mass, and enjoy lunch at the CPL. We assist as guides and ushers.

    • Fest

    Fest is a yearly convocation of young people and their families. The FEST is a free, one day Catholic family festival. It features live music, games and activities, and much more! The day ends with an incredible Mass and an awesome fireworks display. It’s an opportunity to come together as a people of faith, celebrating the wonderful things God has done in our lives and in our world.

    Serra helps the sponsors of the event. We manage a booth that tells people about Serra and its local clubs.

    • Ordinati Dinner

    We take turns with the other diocesan Serra clubs in hosting an evening dinner for the year’s newly ordained priests and their families. Seminary teachers and priests join in the celebration.